About this event
Please read the following information and requirements before you register.
Welcome to the free MOHCD online homebuyer orientation. The orientation will provide you with an overview of affordable city programs, including eligibility requirements and the application process.
As of August 1, 2019 ALL participants will have to attend this 2 hour orientation in addition to the 6 hours of workshops.
IMPORTANT: Please be ON TIME. If you are 15 minutes late to the meeting, you are welcome to stay, but you will NOT get credit. LATE ARRIVALS must reschedule and register for the next available class in order to get credit for the orientation.
In order to receive the verification of Homebuyer Education, every first-time homebuyer is required to complete the following three steps in sequential order.
Step 1: 2-hour MOHCD Homebuyer Program Orientation
Step 2: 6-hour First-Time Homebuyer Workshop
Step 3: 2-hour individual counseling session — to be scheduled with the organization that provided your First-Time Homebuyer Workshop
- Which homebuyer programs are available in San Francisco, including Below Market Rate (BMR) units, Downpayment Assistance Loan Program (DALP), Mortgage Credit Certificate Program (MCC), and more!
- Program requirements and eligibility:
- Income calculation
- Assets Test
- Loan requirements
- Lottery preferences
- How to apply
This orientation is conducted in Cantonese.
ASIAN, Inc. 美亞輔鄰社
(415) 928-5910 x 6
歡迎參加 MOHCD 兩小時免費三藩市政府購屋計劃網上介紹會。通過參加此介紹會您可以了解三藩市各項購屋援助計劃的細節要求和申請流程,從而評估自己的申請資格。
從 2019 年 8 月 1 日起, 所有首次置業者都必須要先參加 2 小時的三藩市政府購屋計劃網上介紹會,再參加 6 小時的首次購屋者教育及證書班。
請注意:如果您在開始時間後 15 分鐘加入網絡會議,我們歡迎您參加培訓,但是您將不會獲得學分,並且需要再次參加以完成此介紹會培訓的要求。
第 1 步:2 小時 MOHCD 三藩市政府購屋計劃介紹會
第 2 步:6 小時首次購屋者教育講座
第 3 步:2 小時個人諮詢會議(與提供首次購屋者教育講座的機構進行預約)
- 三藩市的各項首次購屋援助計劃,包括低於市價可負擔房屋計劃(BMR)、首期貸款援助貸款計劃(DALP)、貸款退稅優惠計劃(MCC) 等等!
- 各項計劃的要求和資格:
- 收入計算
- 資產測試
- 貸款要求
- 抽籤優先
- 如何申請
ASIAN, Inc. 美亞輔鄰社
(415) 928-5910 x 6