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MEDA can help you

Learn vital home pre-purchase information

Gain down payment assistance

Strengthen your personal finances

Get prepared for a below-market-rate (BMR) condo or rental



10 hours total, as follows.

● Step 1. Attend a two-hour orientation focusing on City of San Francisco’s MOHCD-sponsored programs, requirements and assistance for first-time homebuyers (DAHLIA). This is organized by Home SF. (Register for “San Francisco Homebuyer Program Orientation.”)

● Step 2. Attend a MEDA six-hour First-Time Homebuyer class on the second Saturday of the month, in English and Spanish. Please register for one of our First-Time Homebuyers workshops online or at Eventbrite Website This pre-purchase First-Time Homebuyers workshop covers many topics that are essential for anyone considering the possibility of buying housing in San Francisco.

*One-time cost of $15 for your First-Time Homebuyer certification. (Waived)

This cost includes:

Six-hour First-Time Homebuyer workshop

One year of credit monitoring services

Unlimited access to one-on-one Housing Opportunities coaching services.

This cost is payable by cash or check the day you attend our workshop. N/A

● Step 3. Attend a two-hour one-on-one session (instructions for this session are given at the Saturday class.)

Our First-Time Homebuyers schedule is as follows:

8:45am-9:am: Registration waiting room in Zoom

9am-9:15 am Workshop closed and class won’t count

9am-1:00pm First-Time Home Buyer Workshop* Part 1

Make sure you register for Part 2

*Please note that anyone arriving 15 minutes after the workshop has started will not be allowed to enter. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Once you have attended a First-Time Homebuyers workshop, you will be eligible to meet with one of our Housing Opportunities HUD-approved coaches to evaluate your mortgage readiness. During your one-on-one coaching session, you will receive certification that you completed your First-Time Homebuyers requirements, plus apply for Down Payment Assistance Loan Programs (DALP) and below-market-rate (BMR) unit programs through the San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development.

MEDA looks forward to helping you achieve your goal of homeownership!

For those ready to purchase a home, First-Time Homebuyers certificates are $50, which also includes an official credit report (this is payable as check or cash).

Contact Us

If you are interested in First-Time Homebuyer workshops or have questions on the process, please contact us: (415) 282-3334 ext. 126; [email protected].

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