First-Time Homebuyer Workshop With Asian Inc (Cantonese) 首次購屋者教育及證書班 (粵語)
About this event First-Time Homebuyer Education & Certification Workshop By attending the First-time Homebuyer Education & Certification Workshop, you can learn about
About this event First-Time Homebuyer Education & Certification Workshop By attending the First-time Homebuyer Education & Certification Workshop, you can learn about
Come demystify the rental housing process! Interested in affordable housing in the San Francisco Bay Area? Wanting to learn more about the
這個研討會旨在教育並協助新屋主通過各種計劃和服務來保護他們的資產。它涵蓋了諸如房屋產權和再融資、MOHCD計劃合規性、資產規劃、預防房產拍賣等主題。它提供了有關再融資選擇、資格標準、降級協議以及貸款還款的信息。它還強調了年度監控的重要性,BMR(低於市場價格)單位的出售,以及DALP貸款的還款。 This workshop aims to educate and assist new homeowners in protecting their assets through various programs and services. It covers topics
Self-Help for the Elderly 安老自助處 社會服務部 三藩市房屋計劃組舉辦 房屋計劃 房屋資訊講座 定期的講座為長者介绍及普及与租房相关的资讯。 例如,设立DAHLIA账号,房屋申请,房屋资源,租户权利,年度认证等。 今期話題:租賃委員會 星期四 THURS 3/27/2025 2:00-3:30 PM 參加方法 現場講座 825 KEARNY STREET,
MEDA can help you Learn vital home pre-purchase information Gain down payment assistance Strengthen your personal finances Get prepared for a below-market-rate
Learn how to set financial goals, create a budget, downsize your debt, and understand your credit report and score. We’ll explain how
Asista el taller gratuitao de seis horas (dividido en parte I y Parte II): este es el segundo paso en el proceso
Come demystify the rental housing process! Interested in affordable housing in the San Francisco Bay Area? Wanting to learn more about the
*This is an online workshop that will be conducted via Zoom. Information on how to join the workshop will be in your